How long does your body need to rest between muscle training workouts?

Muscle grows during your recovery period, not during the actual training.

Rest between workouts is crucial for mass gain. At least 48 hours is a good goal.

By training 3 times a week with Locofit, you will have enough time to recover.

Your trainer will track your progress and adjust the weight, repetitions to maximize the results.

If you train by yourself, pay attention to how you feel during your workouts.

If you feel fresh, and not fatigued, you are likely allowing enough recovery time.

Schedule a 30 minutes free consultation with Loco Fit (Enzo).

You’ll have the opportunity to meet me in person and get direct answers to all of your questions. If you feel overwhelmed or need help to jump start your fitness journey, I can help you.

BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION NOW by sending me a message by email.
Enzo 1+(780) 904-0672


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